
Accurately assessing outcomes in Motor Total Loss settlements

Bradley Chadwick
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The FCA has identified several issues that may have resulted in consumers being offered claim settlements lower than their car's fair market value.

In response to concerns about consumers being offered claim settlements lower than their car's fair market value, the FCA issued a press release in 2022 warning firms about potential breaches of rules and indicating readiness to act.

To assess the scale and extent of harm caused, the FCA surveyed 12 insurance firms, who make up an estimated 70% of the market, to assess firms’ claims-handling processes for valuing total-loss claims – focusing on how settlement amounts compared with initial guide valuations.

While the FCA acknowledges that the Consumer Duty wasn't in force during the period it reviewed, it has commented where it observed practices which may have fallen short of the requirements.

Core issues identified by the FCA

From the survey, the FCA identified several issues and concerns over MTL claims settlement. In summary, these are:

  • Only using a single trade guide and / or only introducing a second guide when a customer rejected an initial valuation
  • Treating the claims settlement process as a negotiation, for instance by providing customer facing teams with a range of settlement values
  • Large numbers of initial offers being increased e.g. when customers complained
  • The application of standard deductions, e.g. relating to prior total loss (“PTL”) or lack of MOT, which do not take the individual circumstances of the customer or vehicle into consideration
  • The application of deductions for unusual or atypical reasons, e.g. low tyre tread
  • Failure to gather MI and/or undertake analysis to understand why initial offers were being increased and whether there are differences in outcomes between customers who accept an initial offer and those who go through a revaluation
  • Failure to analyse MTL related complaints


  • December 2022: FCA warns insurers not to undervalue MTL claims as it has seen evidence of firms doing this
  • March 2024: FCA publishes findings of its multi-firm review into MTL claims settlements
  • July 2024: We currently know of at least five Skilled Person Reviews being performed to investigate MTL settlement practices

What’s next?

In the first instance, firms should review the FCA’s findings and take steps to identify whether any of these observations apply to their business and, where applicable, assess whether they may have caused customer harm.

Such consideration shouldn't be limited to the motor insurance total-loss. We have previously seen the FCA seek to identify whether harms it has observed in one product are also prevalent in other products or sectors. As such, firms should assess whether these findings are applicable to other insurance products they offer.

There will be continued focus on fair value and good outcomes from the FCA as the Consumer Duty becomes further established. Firms should therefore appropriately consider claims outcomes and performance when undertaking fair value assessments.

Moving forward, they must ensure they consider their findings in detail, including examples of good practice and areas of improvement, including the Consumer Duty to address potential issues and meet best practice.

Case Study - Leading UK insurer

Skilled Person Review to oversee a MTL redress and remediation exercise.

We oversaw the completion of a large-scale redress and remediation exercise involving the assessment of c.290k MTL claims and whether these had been settled fairly.

If detriment was identified, we worked with the FCA to determine how redress should be calculated in order to put customers back in the position they should have been in had the settlement been fair.

We worked closely with senior Supervisors from the FCA and FOS Ombudsman to determine how unfair MTL settlements should be identified, what constitutes a fair deduction from the industry guide values and how redress should be calculated.

We gained a comprehensive understanding of how the FCA and the FOS approach and evaluate these issues. We held detailed discussions with them to understand their perspectives, analysing the regulatory and ethical frameworks they employ to assess the fairness of MTL claims. This enabled us to discern the parameters of acceptability for the settlement of such claims. 

This insight is crucial for ensuring compliance and maintaining the integrity of the MTL settlement process. If a claim was identified as having been unfairly settled, we also agreed and discussed with the FCA the corrective measures that should be implemented to redress the customer. This involved not only financial redress but also procedural adjustments to prevent recurrence of similar issues. 

Our work provided us with the knowledge required to align claims settlement practices with the expectations and standards of the FCA and FOS, ensuring fairness and transparency in every step of the MTL settlement process.

Our experience and expertise

We know that each firm has unique challenges and requires a tailored approach; we focus on assessing firms against the concerns the FCA has raised and staying compliant.

We can support on all aspect of MTL, including:

  • Reviewing your MTL settlement methodology to identify areas of potential concern
  • Helping design appropriate MI to determine whether MTL claimants are receiving good outcomes
  • Reviewing a sample of MTL settlements and provide recommendations for improvements
  • Helping identify individual cohorts of customers who may be at higher risk of having had an unfair MTL settlement
  • Advising on potential redress strategies for MTL claims that have been identified as being undervalued

To learn more about our approach and how we can support you, get in touch.